Last amended on 05.12.2023


This Agreement is entered into between PashaPay and the User.

Hereinafter, PashaPay and the User may be referred to separately as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties."

When the User click the "Confirm" button to approve this Agreement, they express their will in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan to enter into the Agreement.

Information about PashaPay

Name: "PashaPay" Limited Liability Company ("PashaPay")
Address: AZ1010, Baku 153 Neftchilar Avenue, Nasimi District
Registration Number: 1300615891
Date of Incorporation: April 5, 2005
Date, Number, and Issuing Authority of the License: Additional information will be provided after obtaining the relevant license.
Email Address:
Phone Number: *8810

Key Definitions

Authentication - A procedure that allows PashaPay to verify the User's identity or the integrity of the payment instrument, including the User's personalized security information, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
Authorization - The User's consent to PashaPay for the execution of a payment transaction;
Direct Debit - The payment instrument used for debiting the User's payment account for the execution of the payment transaction, based on the payee’s payment order in accordance with User's consent to payee, payee’s or User’s prior consent to PashaPay;
Blocking - Restriction of access to the electronic money account or full or partial suspension of the execution of payment transactions in cases determined by this Agreement, legislation or PashaPay's internal rules;
Device - Any mobile phone, tablet, or other computing devices that enable User to access the m10 platform;
Electronic Money - A payment instrument issued by PashaPay to the User in the amount of received funds, stored in electronic form, enabling the execution of payment transactions and accepted for payment by third parties;
Personilized Security Information – Personalized information provided by PashaPay to the User for authentication purposes;
Enhanced User Authentication - Authentication based on use of two or more of the following elements: something only the User knows (e.g., a password, a PIN, a set of questions, etc.), something inherent to the User (e.g., facial recognition, voice recognition, fingerprint), and something only the User possesses (e.g., a device, OTP, TOTP, electronic signature);
User - A natural person using the payment services provided through the m10 platform. You are considered a User from the moment you click the "Confirm" button to confirm this Agreement;
Credit Transfer - A payment instrument used by PashaPay for the purpose of transferring funds, based on the User's payment order;
Privacy Policy - The privacy statement published by PashaPay at the internet address, which explains how PashaPay processes the User's information;
m10 Platform (m10 Wallet) – All property and intellectual property rights belong to PashaPay, the program software or website, , to which the User connects through the device and use the payment services;
Agreement - The present Agreement concluded between PashaPay and the User regarding the provision of payment services that comes into force from the moment the User click the "Confirm" button in the m10 Platform;
Payment Transaction - The depositing, transferring, or withdrawing of funds at the initiative of either of them, regardless of whether an obligation exists between the User and the other User receiving the funds;
Refusal to Perform a Payment Transaction - Means that either party refrains from performing a payment transaction, such as transferring funds, depositing funds into the payment account, refunding funds on the balance, or other operations;
Payment Account - An account opened by PashaPay for the User on the m10 Platform for the execution of payment transactions;
Payment Order - The instruction given by the User to PashaPay via the m10 Platform for the execution of a payment transaction;
Intermediary - PashaPay or another payment service provider rendering payment intermediary services for the execution of payment transactions;
Payment Intermediary Service for the Execution of a Payment transaction - the service of issuing a payment order on a payment account opened at another payment service provider based on the payment service User's request.

1. Subject of the Agreement

1.1.This Agreement governs the terms and conditions for the use of the m10 Platform, the opening, maintenance, and closure of payment accounts, the execution of payment transactions, the issuance, use, and refund of electronic money, as well as the utilization of other payment services and functionalities provided through the m10 Platform.
1.2.PashaPay, through the m10 Platform, may provide the User with the following services without prejudice to the respective clauses of this Agreement:
· Conducting cash-in and (or) cash-out operations on the payment account;
· Executing payment transactions with credit transfer, direct debit, payment card, or similar payment instruments;
· Issuing payment instruments and (or) the acquiring of a payment operations;
· Funds transfer;
· Issuance of electronic money and execution of payment transactions with electronic money;
· Payment intermediary services for the execution of payment transactions;
· Information services related to the account;
· Currency exchange;
· Giving loans within the limits prescribed by the legislation;
· Offering other innovative services and products by agreeing with the User.
Note: The terms and conditions regarding the services are published on the m10 Platform.
1.3. In the event that PashaPay, in compliance with the legislation, issues payment cards in conjunction with or independently from banks and other payment service providers, the User may utilize such cards digitally through the m10 Platform.
1.4. The User may access information regarding completed payment transactions and the remaining balance of electronic money in the payment account through the m10 Platform. PashaPay provides this information through the m10 Platform.

2. Payment Account

2.1. To provide the services, PashaPay opens a payment account for the User within the m10 Wallet. By entering into this Agreement, the User authorizes PashaPay to open a payment account on their behalf.
2.2. PashaPay, at its own discretion considering the requirement of the applicable legislation, may imply authetication or enhanced User authertication at the time of opening a payment account, at a later stage when the User accesses the payment account from a distance and/or during each payment transaction.
2.3. The storage of cryptocurrencies in the balance of the payment account is prohibited.
2.4. The payment account may not be used for commercial purposes by the User, except in the cases and in the manner permitted by the relevant legislation.
2.5. PashaPay may unilaterally offset the User's debt from the available funds in the latter’s payment account.
2.6. The User may deposit funds into the payment account using payment cards, payment terminals, or other methods. Information about payment methods to top up the payment account balance is provided on the m10 Platform.

3. Electronic Money

3.1. For the purpose of electronic money issuance, PashaPay immediately issues electronic money to the User's payment account in the amount of the accepted funds.
3.2. The User understands and acknowledges that the issuance of electronic money depends on acceptance of funds by the bank responsible for the acquiring on the m10 Platform.
3.3. In compliance with the requirements of this Agreement and the applicable legislation, PashaPay may block the balance of funds in the payment account, limit the amount, quantity, and type of payment transactions, or unilaterally implement other necessary measures to apply limits to the amount of electronic money stored in the payment account or transactions.
3.4. PashaPay, in accordance with the requirements of the legislation, ensures the security of funds in the payment account by storing them in accounts opened at banks operating in the Republic of Azerbaijan or local branches of foreign banks, or by other means. In all cases, ensuring the security of funds is the responsibility of PashaPay and for this purpose, it may independently choose any legal security measures permitted by the relevant legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

4. Authentication

4.1. PashaPay may, at its own discretion, authenticate the User prior to opening a payment account or at any time after opening a payment. The determination of authentication requirements, actions, and methodologies is solely within the authority of PashaPay, taking into account the requirements of the respective legislation.
4.2. Authentication measures may be implemented based on the amount of funds held in the payment account and/or the amount and quantity of executed payment transactions. The first sentence of this clause does not limit right of PashaPay to imply authentication measures at any time and for any reason.
4.3. PashaPay informs the User about the applied authentication measures through the m10 Platform, via email, SMS notifications, or in other manner.
4.4. During top up the balance of the payment account through the m10 Platform, PashaPay, banks, and other payment service providers may, in compliance with the legislation, their internal regulations, and practices, apply authentication or enhanced user authentication. When such measures are implemented by banks and other payment service providers, the relations regarding authentication or enhanced user authentication are regulated between User and that organizations, and PashaPay bears no responsibility in this regard.
4.5. PashaPay provides the User with personalized security information for remote authentication. The User must keep this information secure.

5. User Responsibilities regarding Payment Instrument and Personalized Security Information

5.1. The User must immediately change their personalized security information through the m10 Platform when they discover that a third party knows it. If this is not possible, they must inform PashaPay.
5.2. PashaPay is not responsible for the security of the User's device and the mobile phone number linked to payment account on the m10 Platform. The User must immediately inform PashaPay in any available manner (written, electronic, etc.) through the official channels specified on the PashaPay website in case they lose mobile phone, mobile phone is stolen, or if they suspect or discover any unauthorized access to their payment account by third parties.
5.3. The User understands and accepts that they bear full responsibility for any use of their payment account by third parties, regardless of whether they have given their consent to access and use their payment account. PashaPay is not responsible for damage caused to the User as a result of unauthorized or unauthorized access to the User's payment account in cases beyond PashaPay's control.
5.4. PashaPay does not assume the responsibility to restore the User's access to their payment account and/or the m10 Platform unless the User obtains a duplicate SIM card or secures access to the same phone number by other means.

6. Payment transactions

6.1. The User may issue payment order to PashaPay to execute a payment transaction via the m10 Platform by utilizing the functionalities provided.
6.2. PashaPay may request necessary information from the User through the m10 Platform to execute the payment order as per each payment transaction.
6.3. The list of necessary information and the period for providing such information to the User prior to the execution of payment order is determined by PashaPay unilaterally in compliance with the requirements of the applicable legislation.
6.4. After the execution of a payment transaction, PashaPay informs the User in this regard. In this case, the list of information provided to the User and the period for providing such information are determined by PashaPay unilaterally in compliance with the requirements of the applicable legislation.
6.5. Depending on the functionalities of the m10 Platform and the services provided by PashaPay, payment transactions may be executed via credit transfer, or direct debit, as well as other similar payment instruments not prohibited by law.
6.6. During credit transfer, the User is solely responsible for the correct selection of the recipient of funds and, if required, for providing accurate information. PashaPay is not responsible for the User’s incorrect selection of the recipient of funds or provides incorrect information. In accordance with the requirements of clause 10.1 of this agreement, PashaPay may take appropriate measures to the return of funds.
6.7. In cases of payment transactions executed through direct debit, the User is responsible for identifying the authorized person and providing the payment order correctly. PashaPay obtains the User's consent for direct debit in advance. In this consent, the User also specifies the limit for the amount to be paid for direct debit. If the payment amount for a direct debit exceeds the limit set by the User, the User may contact PashaPay within 2 (two) months from the date when the payment was deducted from their payment account, and the expiry of the period deprives the User of this right. Upon receiving such an application, PashaPay must refund the overpaid amount to the User within 5 (five) business days or provide the User with justified information on the reasons for the rejection.
6.8. The User can transfer electronic money to other Users or third parties that accept electronic money as a payment instrument.
6.9. The reliability of payment transactions is not affected by the use of various graphical representations (e.g., QR or barcodes) or by unconventional methods. In such cases, if the User has been informed in advance that a specific action is required for the execution of a payment transaction, the completion of the required action (e.g., scanning the QR or barcode) by the User is deemed as the authorization of the payment transaction.
6.10. The execution of the payment transactions envisaged in this Agreement depends on the functionalities of the m10 Platform and the services provided through it. If the m10 Platform does not support certain payment transactions (e.g., direct debit), the clauses specified for that type of operation in this Agreement will not be applied. Under no circumstances does PashaPay undertake to provide functionality to execute respective payment transactions.

7. Giving Payment Orders, Moment of Acceptance, and Execution Period

7.1.When the User click the button for completing the operation in a manner visible to them during payment transactions on the m10 Platform (e.g., "pay," "confirm payment," "confirm," "transfer," etc.), it is considered that they have authorized the payment transaction.
7.2. When all the terms determined in this Agreement and/or on the m10 Platform are fulfilled by the User and the payment order is not defective, PashaPay accepts the authorized payment order for execution.
7.3. An authorized payment order presented after the day of the operation is considered accepted on the next business day.
7.4. PashaPay executes the payment order within the next business day from the time of accepting the payment order.
7.5. When a payment transaction is carried out by direct debit, PashaPay executes the payment order on the agreed upon date with the User.
7.6.The User agrees that, for the purpose of agreeing with them through the m10 platform and, in certain cases, if there is no balance in their account as a result of a technical malfunction, the execution of their payment order may be ensured (overdraft) by PashaPay. In this case, taking into account that the payment has been made on the account of PashaPay's funds, the User agrees to return these funds to PashaPay within 30 (thirty) days. If longer period for execution is not presented to the User through the m10 platform, they acknowledge their obligation to pay the amount and the interest (in the manner and at the rate determined by law) to PashaPay from the amount of those funds for using them.
7.7.The User agrees that, PashaPay, at its own discretion, may withhold the funds, not returned at the specified time in accordance with clause 7.6 of this Agreemennt, from any of the User's known payment accounts.

8. User's Right to Cancel a Payment Order and Payment Order Recall

8.1.The User may cancel a payment order at any time until the moment specified in clauses 8.2 - 8.5. As a result of canceling a payment order on the execution of periodic payment transactions, depending on the User's choice, only the operation that has not yet been executed or all subsequent payment transactions will be considered unauthorized and will not be executed.
8.2.The User may not recall a payment order sent to payment system from the moment determined by respective rules related to the relevant payment system.
8.3. If the User agrees on a date with PashaPay for the execution of the payment order, the User may withdraw the payment order no later than the end of the business day preceding the agreed day.
8.4.Once a payment transaction has been initiated by the payment intermediary, the User may not recall the payment order after giving consent to the initiation of the payment transaction.
8.5. When using a direct debit tool, the User may recall the payment order up to the end of the business day preceding the date set for the withdrawal of funds from their payment account.

9. Notification on Unauthorized or Incorrectly Executed Payment Transactions

9.1. If the User identifies any unauthorized or incorrectly executed payment transactions within 6 (six) months after the execution of the payment transaction, the User must immediately inform PashaPay on this. Otherwise, the User is deprived of the right specified in this clause.
9.2.In case receiving the notification referred to in clause 9.1, PashaPay shall, within 5 (five) business days (in the case of cross-border operations with payment instruments, within the timeframe established by the rules of the payment system), provide the User with proof that the payment transaction was authenticated, recorded correctly, the amount of the payment transaction was credited to the payment account specified by the User, and the payment transaction was not affected by any technical malfunction or other deficiencies caused by PashaPay. If PashaPay does not present this evidence within the timeframes set by the legislation, then PashaPay will reimburse User the amount of the payment transaction together with the service fee (if applicable).

10. The Possibility of Refunding Money due to an Unjustified or Incorrectly Executed Payments

10.1. PashaPay may not determine or control the User's use of funds. Considering this, in case the User provides incorrect information for the execution of a payment order, PashaPay will not be responsible for the return of funds. Nevertheless, if a payment transaction is executed based on incorrect information provided by the User, the User may apply to PashaPay for the refund of the fund on payment transaction within 2 (two) months from the date of execution hereof, by providing all supporting documents. If PashaPay considers this request valid (justified) and the return of funds is possible, then PashaPay may refund the money to the User by following the rule outlined in clause 10.2 of the Agreement.
10.2. Taking the clause 10.1 of this Agreement into account, the User agrees that PashaPay may take necessary measures and conduct investigations with the purpose of returning the funds to another User if funds are transferred into their payment by another User's erroneously or without any basis. In such cases, the User accepts to cooperate with PashaPay for the return of funds that have been mistakenly transferred. However, PashaPay reserves the right to unilaterally (without permission) withdraw funds deposited to User’s payment account erroneously or without basis from his/her payment account, based on other legitimate reasons. By signing this Agreement, the User is considered to have given prior consent to such unilateral deletion (withdrawal).

11. Service Fee and Currency Exchange Rate

11.1. PashaPay may charge and a service fee for the provision of the following services claim from the User:
11.1.1. Opening a payment account;
11.1.2. Issuing electronic money;
11.1.3. Executing payment transactions;
11.1.4. Cancelling payment orders;
11.1.5. Providing payment account information (statements) on paper (signed and sealed);
11.1.6. Providing additional information not specified in this Agreement;
11.1.7. Transmitting information through means not specified in this Agreement;
11.1.8. Requesting information on executed payment transactions presented following the execution of payment orders more than once or with a shorter frequency within a calendar month.
11.2. When a service fee is charged as per the terms of this Agreement or when a currency exchange is applied, PashaPay provides the User with information regarding the service fee and currency exchange rate through the m10 Platform before issuing a payment order. By confirming the payment order, the User consents to the service fee and currency exchange rate.
11.3. PashaPay may unilaterally deduct the service fee from the funds available in the payment account of the User.
11.4. The User understands and accepts that other payment services providers involved in providing services through the m10 Platform cooperating with PashaPay may also apply their own service fees for the services offered. PashaPay will not not responsible for the type and amount of such service fees.

12. Licensing

12.1. All property and intellectual property rights of the m10 Platform belong to PashaPay. Without limitation, all original text and object codes of the m10 Platform are protected by PashaPay's copyright.
12.2. Through this Agreement, PashaPay licenses the m10 Platform to the User on a non-exclusive basis, provides User with rights to use the m10 Platform. PashaPay retains all ownership rights to the m10 Platform.
12.3. The User may not copy, distribute, reproduce the m10 Platform. The User may not transfer the license on m10 Platform to third parties, sublicense, sell, gift, or alienate in any other way.
12.4. The User may not extract the licenses from the m10 Platform's original text.
12.5. The User may not reverse-engineer the m10 Platform in any way.

13. Processing of Information

13.1. PashaPay processes, secures, and discloses the User's personal data to the third parties in accordance with the applicable laws and the current Privacy Policy.
13.2. Personal data is processed for the purposes of executing this Agreement, marketing, increasing sales, measuring and improving the quality of provided services, developing new products etc. In all cases, the purposes of processing personal data are specified in the Privacy Policy.
13.3. The services provided on the m10 Platform are not intended for persons under the age of 14. PashaPay does not collect or process personal data of persons under the age of 14.

14. Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT), Tax Evasion

14.1. The Parties declare that they are committed to combating the legalization of criminally obtained funds, financing of terrorism, and tax evasion.
14.2. The User bears full responsibility for ensuring that the funds used in all payment transactions conducted through the m10 Platform have a lawful origin. In case of substantial suspicions regarding the source of funds, including instances where a payment transaction is attempted with the intention of laundering criminally obtained funds, financing terrorism, or other criminal activities and the User is aware of this or should be aware, or if the User has reasonable doubts about the purpose of the payment transaction, the User undertakes to immediately notify PashaPay and the relevant law enforcement authorities.
14.3. The User must never engage in money laundering, the attempted laundering of criminally obtained funds, financing terrorism through the m10 Platform. If the User becomes aware of such activities, they must immediately report this to PashaPay and law enforcement authorities.
14.4. The User declares that they have not been involved in tax evasion or any other mandatory payments related to the use of the m10 Platform, both in the Republic of Azerbaijan and other countries, and they shall not engage in such activities in the future.
14.5. The User bears full responsibility for tax evasion, paying all applicable taxes and other mandatory payments related to the operations performed through the m10 Platform. PashaPay is solely a payment service provider offering payment solution, and it does not bear any responsibility for the not paying taxes and other mandatory payments, as well as not submitting of mandatory declarations and reports to government authorities by the User in accordance with the law.
14.6. PashaPay may request additional documents from the User at any time regarding the payment transactions they have executed.

15. Blocking, Deletion of Funds, and Imposition of Certain Restrictions

15.1. PashaPay may, without limitation, block the User's payment account and/or their payment transactions under the following circumstances:
a. The User violates this Agreement, including the terms of use of the m10 Platform, and the payment account;
b. If the User does not provide the information and documents to PashaPay until next day requested hereby related to the operations executed;
c. In case the User is revealed to be using the m10 Platform to carry out entrepreneurial activities;
d. To ensure the security of the m10 Platform, the User's payment account, electronic money, and other payment instruments;
e. To prevent the use of the m10 Platform, payment account, electronic money and other payment instruments for fraudulent purposes or by unauthorized third parties;
f. When a payment transaction has been executed due to a technical error, resulting in an amount higher than that available in the User's payment account;
g. In case of transfer of money to/from the User's payment account as a result of unauthorized access to the User's payment account by third parties;
h. If the User is suspected of legalization of property obtained through crime, financing of terrorism, as well as illegal use of the payment account and the m10 platform in the case of non-standard or unusually complex payment transactions that differ from the User's usual payment transactions;
i. To prevent tax evasion and other mandatory payments as required by the legislation;
j. When the User does not comply with the authentication requirements set forth in this Agreement and pursuant to the legislation;
k. To mitigate the risk of the User failing to meet their obligations regarding credit lines allocated for payment instruments;
l. When the user has an outstanding debt to PashaPay and the balance in their payment account is insufficient to settle that debt;
m. In other cases as prescribed by internal regulations and instructions of PashaPay;
n. At the User's request;
o. In cases specified by the legislation and court decision or by a request from the relevant state authorities.
15.2. The Parties understand and acknowledge that PashaPay may restrict or refuse the User's access to their payment account or the execution of transactions under this Agreement, PashaPay's internal regulations, provided that these regulations are presented to the User in advance, and in accordance with applicable legislation.
15.3. Without limitation, PashaPay may deduct electronic money from the User's payment account in the following cases:
a. For the execution of this Agreement;
b. When the User uses more funds than the balance of their payment account;
c. When the User has a debt to PashaPay;
d. In cases specified in clause 10.2 of this Agreement.
15.4. In any case, the duration of the blocking is determined in accordance with applicable legal requirements and internal regulations of PashaPay, provided that these internal regulations are presented to the User in advance. When the user's payment account and payment transactions are blocked, payment transactions are refused or payment account funds are deleted, disputes are carried out in accordance with the internal rules of PashaPay and the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

16. Liability

16.1. In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Parties bear responsibility for the violation of this Agreement.
16.2. Each Party is liable for the damages caused by the Party to the other Party according to the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan. PashaPay is only liable for actual damages incurred by PashaPay to the User under this Agreement.
16.3. The User is responsible for the protection of personilized security information and other sensitive payment information.

17. Term and Termination of the Agreement

17.1. This Agreement is considered to be in force from the moment the User clicks the "Confirm" button on the m10 Platform. The Agreement remains in force between the Parties until it is terminated.
17.2. The Agreement may be terminated under the following conditions:
a. At the User's initiative - by notifying PashaPay at least 30 (thirty) days in advance, provided that all obligations to PashaPay are fulfilled;
b. At PashaPay's initiative, unless otherwise specified by law, the user will be notified at least 30 days in advance;
c. Immediately upon notification by PashaPay to the User in the following cases, unless otherwise determined by law:
i. If the User does not provide the information and documents within 10 (ten) days that requested by PashaPay related to the operations executed;
ii. If the cases specified in Article 15 of this Agreement are revealed;
iii. If the User does not use the m10 wallet for a period exceeding 12 (twelve) months;
iv. In other cases stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
17.3. Until the termination of the Agreement, the User must pay service fees for the payment services used. If the service fees have been paid in advance, those fees shall be returned no later than the next business day of the day of the termination, considering and deducting the service fees that must be paid for the payment services provided before the termination.
17.4. When this Agreement is terminated, PashaPay shall refund the remaining value of the electronic money to User in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

18. Correspondence and communications

18.1. Correspondence between the Parties can be conducted through the m10 Platform, phone calls, and email.
18.2. PashaPay's contact details are provided in the "Information about PashaPay" section above. In case changes in the contact details, the User will be informed through the m10 Platform.
18.3. The User's contact details are the information provided to PashaPay through the m10 Platform. If these details change, the User must promptly inform PashaPay.

19. Making Addendums and Amendments to the Agreement

19.1. PashaPay may make addendums and amendments to this Agreement by providing notice to the User through the m10 Platform at least 30 (thirty) days in advance. Within this period, unless the User expresses their objections to the changes, these changes will be deemed as accepted by the User.
19.2. Amendments that improve the User's position can be implemented by PashaPay without waiting for the period specified in Article 19.1.

20. Applicable Law and Resolution of Disputes

20.1. This Agreement is regulated by and interpreted in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
20.2. PashaPay will process complaints from the User within 7 (seven) business days from the date the complaint is received and inform the User of the outcome. If it is not possible to process the complaint within this period, PashaPay will inform the User about the reasons for the extension of the complaint processing period, without exceeding the specified period. Submitting a complaint to PashaPay does not limit the User's right to bring a lawsuit.
20.3. All disputes arising between the Parties under this Agreement are resolved through negotiations. If the Parties do not reach a mutual agreement through negotiations, the dispute is resolved in the authorized courts of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

21. Additional functionalities on the m10 Platform

21.1. PashaPay may conduct maintenance or updates on the m10 Platform.
21.2. The organization of any loyalty programs (bonuses, etc.) or campaigns to encourage users to use the m10 wallet is the exclusive authority of PashaPay, and PashaPay may implement or suspend at any time without the consent of the User.
21.3. PashaPay may offer Users new products or new solutions on the m10 Platform by collaborating on projects with third parties providing different services. Within the framework of PashaPay's cooperation with Competo LLC, the m10 Platform may be integrated with the latter's Umico Platform, and as a result of the integration, following functionalities may be offered to the User:
21.3.1. Tracking Umico bonuses on the m10 Platform, and also switching directly to the Umico Platform through the m10 Platform by User;
21.3.2. The ability of Users to use the bonuses collected on the Umico Platform for the specified payments through the m10 Platform;
21.3.3. Regarding the refund transaction: Esnure of returning of Umico bonuses to the User in case of refund operations for a payment transaction made with Umico bonuses through the m10 Platform Refund of the bonuses calculated for that payment from the User in case of refund transactions for the payment transaction made through the m10 Platform
21.4. In order to improve the types of services, PashaPay may provide the opportunity to provide and/or use the services provided by them on the m10 Platform in the framework of cooperation with other third parties in the future.

22. Other Provisions

22.1. The User may not transfer their rights and obligations under the Agreement to third parties without the consent of PashaPay. PashaPay may transfer its rights and obligations under this Agreement to third parties.
22.2. By signing this Agreement, the User confirms that he/she has reached the age of adulthood, and in case he/she is a minor, he/she has received consent from his/her legal representatives to use the m10 Platform in accordance with the law.
22.3. This Agreement has a framework contract nature for the provision of payment services. As such, specific sections of this Agreement are only applicable when the relevant payment service is provided.
22.4. The invalidity of a part of this Agreement does not affect the validity of other parts.